Our Boarding Program: Ms. Sonia White Builds Irreplaceable Bonds

Ms. Sonia White sits third from left, with members of the SEED DC step team.

Ms. Sonia White sits third from left, with members of the SEED DC step team.

At The SEED School of Washington, D.C., we need more than just great teachers. Our 24-hour learning environment also requires committed counselors, advisors, and residential staff to work alongside our academic team. Together, our faculty pushes our students to own their educational journeys.

Ms. Sonia White serves as a leader of our residential team. For Ms. White, SEED is home. Thirteen years ago, she was hired as a resident advisor. She remembers the day like it was yesterday.  “I remember exactly what I was doing when Ms. Lesli Thompson [director of experiential learning and external opportunities] called to offer me the job. I couldn’t contain my excitement.”  

Today, Ms. White serves as the student life cohort lead and has built irreplaceable bonds with countless students.

“Ms. White has instilled wisdom in me and helped me work through difficult times. Whether its help with college applications or if I need to hear a joke, she is always there,” shared Dakota Blakney (SEED DC ‘21).

The walls in her office are decorated with smiling photos of former SEED students she is still in contact with. “These photos remind me of the impact I can have on a young person’s life.”

In addition to serving as a leader in the girl’s dorm, Ms. White is the head coach for SEED DC’s step team. She feels this program helps young ladies develop confidence and discipline.  

Because of our community’s belief in our work, we can hire nurturing and exceptional leaders like Ms. White. Thank you for your support.