Welcome to The SEED PCS!
High School
Students in grades nine through twelve undertake a traditional college-preparatory curriculum, including Advanced Placement courses, that introduces them to the course schedule they will encounter in college. The SEED School offers a wide range of elective courses, such as entrepreneurship, service learning that builds upon the core content courses and provides a more challenging and enriching learning experience in the subjects that interest students. Click here to take a look at our scope and sequence of classes.
We are excited to offer five programs that will impact student achievement:
Dual Enrollment
Student Government Association (SGA)
Advanced Placement Courses
Credit Recovery
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math)
Our goal is to provide a positive, challenging, and supportive academic environment to guide students towards success and college readiness at the high school level. The rigorous standards in our high school and holding students accountable for their continued academic progress is crucial in their success.
SY 2023-2024 Course Catalog
Click the link above to review our current course offerings.
Faculty & STAFF ContactS
Click on the following link to access the list faculty & staff emails.
We are pleased to announce that our High School achieved Tier 1 status in 2019.
Every year, the DC Public Charter School Board (DC PCSB) releases the School Quality Report. These are the results of an annual, multiple measure evaluation used to track school performance across the city. Our School Quality Report for 2019 is available for download here. Due to the pandemic, the DC PCSB will not release a 2020 School Quality Report.
Once a student graduates from SEED, our relationship with that student doesn’t simply end there. The SEED Foundation has a program that provides additional support through the college years to help ensure that The SEED School of Washington, D.C. graduates become college graduates. CTS offers a variety of services, including financial aid advising, career advising, and outreach to universities. You can read more about CTS services here or in this electronic brochure.